
Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Circle of Chavez's Friends

The BBC reports:

'Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has defended jailed killer "Carlos the Jackal" and several world leaders he says are wrongly considered "bad guys". In a speech to international socialist politicians, Mr Chavez said "Carlos", a Venezuelan, was not a terrorist but a key "revolutionary fighter"....

'Mr Chavez also hailed Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the late Ugandan dictator Idi Amin.' (Via: Oliver Kamm)


Marcia Miner said...

This is old news, but I am at a loss to see what was ever gained by continuing what hasn't worked. If Obama meeting and agreeing to meet enemies doesn't work either, nothing is lost. A new tactic was at least tried.

EscapeVelocity said...

Terry Glavin is up for Best Canadian Infidel Blogger Award...also Mary Jackson at New English Review...

EscapeVelocity said...

Water and power rationing....those Socialists always deliver! Less for all! Less human, civil, and legal rights...less freedom...less consumer goods...less, less, less.

Call it conservation and tag it with Global Warming Environmental religiousity and call yourself a Progressive!

Migreli said...

Appeasing dictators has always led to disasters for the civilized world. In the 1930s the democracies encouraged Hitler and Mussolini to believe they would succeed in their campaign of threats and violence against their neighbours, and only when Germany was immeasurably stronger did Britain and France confront it. Today, the same is true with respect to Iran and its Venezuelan ally. The factor of time works in favour of Ahmadinezhad and Chavez today just as it worked in favour of Germany yesterday. And now as then, their most vulnerable target are Jews.

Gabriella said...

Link to your blog has been add in my friends blog list @

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