
Friday, May 31, 2013

The Aristocratic Refugees

In its simple form, aristocracy is a privileged class of people, for whom the rules, laws and duties of  commoners, or just people from other classes, do not apply. I'm using the term here metaphorically (and not sneeringly), well aware that Palestinian refugees in Arab countries are privileged in being kept in this abnormal multigenerational refugee-ness, in a perpetual state of in-between, deprivation, and limbo, by cynical Arab rulers and regimes for their own purposes. The Western Rancid Far-left, collaborates with these regimes in perpetuating the "aristocratic" concept of Palestinian refugees, again, for its own political aims and ideological aspirations. Make no mistake, human rights does not figure into their calculation.

Link here

I de siste hundre årene har verden opplevd mange store flyktningetragedier.  På grunn av krig eller naturkatastrofer måtte mange millioner mennesker flykte fra hjemmene sine og bosette seg i andre land.  De fleste av disse flyktningene kunne aldri komme tilbake til sin opprinnelsessted.  Men det er EN flyktninggruppe som stiller seg i en særstilling – palestinerne.

(Google translation):

 In the last hundred years, the world has experienced many large refugee No rage values. Because of war or natural disasters had many million people flee their homes and settle in other countries. Most of these refugees could not return to their place of origin. But there is a group of refugees who place themselves in a unique position - the Palestinians.

1 comment:

liamalpha said...

Amazing infographic that illustrates how the Palestinian "refugees" problem is being groomed.
What is the source of this image?
Also worth adding that "flyktninger" means "refugees" in Norwegian (I used Google translate).

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