
Thursday, February 05, 2015

A Racism that dares not speak its name ...

Yesterday Fox News' Bill O'Reilly was the only one (that I heard) to express his distaste for the accelerated execution of the two Al-Qaeda convicts by Jordanian Justice system as an act of sheer revenge and a move to appease the needs of the howling mobs for fresh blood. To report this development, as most TV news outlets did, as though it were a sign of Jordan's resolve to defeat ISIS and Islamic extremism is deceptive and frankly, psychotically delusional. The Jordanian response was cut from the same cloth as the atrocity that triggered it. And yet, not a word of reproach from the White House or any of its lackey journalists about it. 

Imagine, just imagine, I mean, try to imagine, the outrage that would ensue had Israel's justice system responded to some of the gorier murders of its citizens or soldiers in a similar manner ...

It seems to me nobody expects any better, more rational response from an Arab society; therefore, there is this astonishing silence and embarrassed averting of the eyes. This is not the "soft racism of low expectations"  This phenomenon of ACCEPTING certain cultures' innate violence as a force of nature, has no fitting name yet.


Graham said...

Yes, that occurred to me.

Graham said...

Different, but somewhat related, is the common misuse of 'justice for'. Justice isn't 'for' the victim - it's not vengeance: it's for society. The failure to distinguish between the two makes me uncomfortable, and is a worrying step backwards when demonstrated at state level.

The Contentious Centrist said...

Hannah Arendt pointed to this perversion in the way she treated pity and its relation to terror. The “pity-inspired” virtue, unleashed in Robespierre’s chaotic rule of terror, shook the foundations of impartial justice and its underlying principle of justice that “the application of the same rules to those who sleep in palaces and those who sleep under the bridges of Paris”

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