Sunday, October 05, 2008

Ahmadinejad's delusions

"When activated it’s best at brutality,
Selfishness, unjust judgments, murder."

Parvaneh Osanloo, wife of union leader Mansoor Osanloo, imprisoned in Iran,

... expresses her amazement upon hearing Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's claim in last week interviews during a UN visit that all prisoners in Iran are tried publicly and are never denied representation by defense attorneys. This was clearly not the case for Parvaneh's husband; listening to Ah[m]adinejad's pretensions in front of the foreign media, Parvaneh wonders why her husband has been denied basic rights such as medical care for so many months despite his failing health...

“Mansoor is in jail not because he wanted to” Parvaneh says, “but because he stood up for the rights of his comrades and co-workers; defending the rights of the working people is not a crime and therefore, my husband has done nothing illegal or against the national security. Everything that he has done is legal and legitimate.”

(read the rest here)

(H/T: Normblog)


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