This is an excerpt from Chrstopher Hitchens' Vanity Fair June article:For the British mainstream, multiculturalism has been the official civic religion for so long that any criticism of any minority group has become the equivalent of profanity. And Islamic extremists have long understood that they need only suggest a racial bias—or a hint of the newly invented and meaningless term “Islamophobia”—in order to make the British cough and shuffle with embarrassment...
Anyway, you can’t be ulticultural and preach murderous loathing of Jews, Britain’s oldest and most successful (and most consistently anti-racist) minority. And you can’t be multicultural and preach equally homicidal hatred of India, Britain’s most
important ally and friend after the United States. My colleague Henry Porter sat
me down in his West London home and made me watch a documentary that he thought had received far too little attention when shown on Britain’s Channel 4. It is
entitled Undercover Mosque, and it shows film shot in quite mainstream Islamic
centers in Birmingham and London (you can now find it easily on the Internet).
And there it all is: foaming, bearded preachers calling for crucifixion of
unbelievers, for homosexuals to be thrown off mountaintops, for disobedient and
“deficient” women to be beaten into submission, and for Jewish and Indian
property and life to be destroyed. “You have to bomb the Indian businesses, and
as for the Jews, you kill them physically,” as one sermonizer, calling himself
Sheikh al-Faisal, so prettily puts it. This stuff is being inculcated in small
children—who are also informed that the age of consent should be nine years old,
in honor of the prophet Muhammad’s youngest spouse. Again, these were not
tin-roof storefront mosques but well-appointed and well-attended places of
worship, often the beneficiaries of Saudi Arabian largesse. It’s not just the
mosques, either. In West London there is a school named for Prince Charles’s
friend King Fahd, with 650 pupils, funded and run by the government of Saudi
Arabia. According to Colin Cook, a British convert to Islam (initially inspired
by the former crooner Cat Stevens) who taught there for 19 years, teaching
materials said that Jews “engage in witchcraft and sorcery and obey Satan,” and
incited pupils to list the defects of worthless heresies such as Judaism and
The Contentious Centrist
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
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