Saturday, July 07, 2007

Why didn't Tolstoy get the Nobel Prize?

Samir Ubeid asks some pertinent questions about the Nobel prize and provides the answer:

*Why has the prize been awarded to 167 Jews, and to only four Arabs out of 380 million Arabs – and all four are considered traitors?

My colleague said that there is democracy. What democracy is there, if out of 1.5 billion Chinese, only two or three were awarded the Nobel?

If you examine the Russian scientists and writers, who shook the world with their literature and their knowledge... What about Sakharov, what about Tolstoy?

(Interviewer: But Sakharov was awarded the Nobel prize.
Samir 'Ubeid: I meant Chekhov. Chekhov! Chekhov!)

Are we Arabs not included in the transfer of the scientific genetic code? We, the descendants of Al-Khawarizmi, Al-Jahez, Al-Razi, Avicenna, and Ibn Al-Haytham – are we all born idiots? Is there not a single scientist among us? Are we not included in the genetic code? Is intelligence not transferred down among us Arabs?

And the answer?

This prize stems from the core of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

(Via: Engage)

This interview put me in mind of another interview, conducted by Pierre Heumann of the Swiss weekly Die Weltwoche, who spoke with Al-Jazeera Editor-in-Chief Ahmed Sheikh, one of the brightest stars of Arab intelligentia:

[Sheikh] In many Arab states, the middle class is disappearing. The rich get richer and the poor get still poorer. Look at the schools in Jordan, Egypt or Morocco: You have up to 70 youngsters crammed together in a single classroom. How can a teacher do his job in such circumstances? The public hospitals are also in a hopeless condition. These are just examples. They show how hopeless the situation is for us in the Middle East.

[PH] Who is responsible for the situation?

[Sheikh] The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the most important reasons why these crises and problems continue to simmer. The day when Israel was founded created the basis for our problems. The West should finally come to understand this. Everything would be much calmer if the Palestinians were given their rights.

[PH] Do you mean to say that if Israel did not exist, there would suddenly be democracy in Egypt, that the schools in Morocco would be better, that the public clinics in Jordan would function better?

[Sheikh] I think so.


“Anti-Semitism is the swollen envy of pygmy minds.” ~Mark Twain


At 10:18 PM EDT, Blogger Yaacov Ben Moshe said...

"Are we Arabs not included in the transfer of the scientific genetic code? We, the descendants of Al-Khawarizmi, Al-Jahez, Al-Razi, Avicenna, and Ibn Al-Haytham – are we all born idiots? Is there not a single scientist among us? Are we not included in the genetic code? Is intelligence not transferred down among us Arabs?"

The genetics, of course, are not the question. Minds that are crippled and held hostage in collectivist, fascist systems (i.e. Caliphate Islam and communism) cannot express their natural genius. If they would only stop accepting being humiliated by their own leaders and mullahs I’m sure they would earn the honor they so pathetically and undeservingly demand from the world this way.


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