On the art of being offended...
Via The Geek:
Another Offended Muslim:
A Turkish lawyer is taking legal action against Inter Milan, the Italian football team, for wearing a strip with “Crusader-style” red crosses that he alleges is ”offensive to Muslim sensibilities”.
Baris Kaska, a lawyer in Izmir ...lodged a complaint in a local court against Inter Milan, which last month played the Istanbul team Fenerbahce in a Champions League match at the San Siro stadium in Milan. The Inter players wore a new strip - a white shirt with a giant red cross on it - marking the club's centenary.
Mr Kaska said he was not only seeking damages but was also appealing to Uefa to annul the match, which Inter won 3-0. “That cross only brings one thing to mind - the symbol of the Templar Knights,” he said. “It made me think immediately of the bloody days of the past. While I was watching the game I felt profound grief in my soul.” Mr Kaska told the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia that the cross symbolised “Western racist superiority over Islam”.
He said that Inter had “manifested in the most explicit manner the superiority of one religion over another”. He said the court had contacted both Uefa and Fifa to convey his demand that Inter should be “heavily fined for displaying an offensive symbol”. “How could Uefa allow this?“demanded the Turkish paper Radikal.
Inter Milan officials said that they were “astounded”. They said that in the first match between the two teams in September at Istanbul - which Fenerbahce won 1-0 - Inter had deliberately refrained from wearing the strip with the red cross but had felt entitled to use it on its home ground.
Inter officials also pointed out that a red cross on a white background is the symbol of the city of Milan. Many Italian football clubs incorporated the cross on their shirts, including Inter, founded in Milan in 1908. “The red cross has become an international political football,” Corriere della Sera commented.
I'm sceptical. I mean, I might have believed the allegation of being offended by the rival team's red-crossed uniform, had the complaint remained within the realm of law and common sense... But when "Mr Kaska ... was also appealing to Uefa to annul the match, which Inter won 3-0." I have to wonder, if, with this kind of history , this is not another case of a kaybedince kızan (bad loser).
And anyway, why stop at the uniform these players wore? Shouldn't the lawyer be equally offended by the fact that probably most of Inter players are Christians, or worse, Jews or atheists? Shouldn't it be a requirement that only Muslims should be allowed to play against a Muslim country's football team?
The possibilities of offence being taken are quite endless.
The Contentious Centrist
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
Thanks for the cross-post, again!
I read your response to "Lance Thruster" on my blog, which was very well said. I thought about responding to him, but I think that he's probably just your garden variety anti-Semite, and you can't debate people that. There's an old cliche that goes something like "Don't argue with a fool. People may not be able to tell the difference". I think that that is the case with "Lance".
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