On Becoming Jewish:
I. Obama’s foreign policy adviser, Tony Lake, was at NYU today, talking to students at the Bronfman Center about why he thinks the Democratic presidential hopeful is so great. But before he got into details, Lake, who served as national security adviser in the Clinton administration, described his own history of first being mistaken for, and then actually becoming, a Jew.
Here is a link with an audio excerpt
(H/T: Inna from Egage comments)
II. And here is Christopher Hitchens, explaining how he found out he was (technically speaking) Jewish. Watch the first installment.
(H/T: Will, from the Sodden Trotskyites)
The Contentious Centrist
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
Come on Noga -- you could encourage your readers to watch more than just the first installment of the Hitch!
Watch the bliddy lot if you've got any sense.
I watched them all, but the first one pertains to the subject of my post, which is why I linked and directed attention to it.
Fairy muff.
Thank you (she said meekly)
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