How many Jewish countries can you spot on this map?
Can you find Israel on the map?
How many Arab countries ?
How many Muslim countries?
What does Ahmadinejad, champion of Palestinians, propose to solve the I/P problem?
(H/T: Anti-Racist Blog)
NASRADDIN HODJA is a Turkish folk hero, whose life stories of humour and wit I heard from my mother at appropriate moments. Here is one story I remember, which is pertinent to this post. I will let my discerning reader to make the necessary connection:
One day Nasraddin Hodja was arrested and brought before a judge, for stealing a horse.
Nasraddin, said the judge, whatever has come over you? Why did you steal that horse?
Nasraddin, wiping his tears, said with a quavering voice:
But I'm innocent, Your honour, completely innocent. I was walking down the street and I saw a rope lying on the ground. Just a piece of rope, lying there. I picked it up and took it with me. How wasI to know that the end of the rope was tied to a horse?
NASRADDIN HODJA is a Turkish folk hero, whose life stories of humour and wit I heard from my mother at appropriate moments. Here is one story I remember, which is pertinent to this post. I will let my discerning reader to make the necessary connection:
One day Nasraddin Hodja was arrested and brought before a judge, for stealing a horse.
Nasraddin, said the judge, whatever has come over you? Why did you steal that horse?
Nasraddin, wiping his tears, said with a quavering voice:
But I'm innocent, Your honour, completely innocent. I was walking down the street and I saw a rope lying on the ground. Just a piece of rope, lying there. I picked it up and took it with me. How wasI to know that the end of the rope was tied to a horse?
..... where antisemitism masquerades as "criticism of Israel":
Today marked the start of "Palestine Awareness Week" at the University of Michigan. The inaugural lecture was performed by anti-Israel Wayne State University anthropology professor Thomas Abowd. The theme of the event was supposed to be "Introducing Palestine", but the event instead focused on "demonizing and de-legitimizing" Israel.
Read and enjoy the pictures, here.
When a sign says : "Fuck Israel", with the "s" replaced by a swastika, is this a legitimate criticism of Israel's policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians, or is it a campaign of hatred aiming at the elimination of the Jewish state?
When poor, suffering, hapless, innocent Palestinians are compared to Jewish Holocaust victims, does this constitute a call for peace, or an incitement for more violence?
What is the peaceful resolution advanced by the organizers of such a hatefest? What are they advocating? What are they offering by way of solving the conflict?
What are they hoping to gain from their "Palestine awareness Week"?
Read and enjoy the pictures, here.
When a sign says : "Fuck Israel", with the "s" replaced by a swastika, is this a legitimate criticism of Israel's policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians, or is it a campaign of hatred aiming at the elimination of the Jewish state?
When poor, suffering, hapless, innocent Palestinians are compared to Jewish Holocaust victims, does this constitute a call for peace, or an incitement for more violence?
What is the peaceful resolution advanced by the organizers of such a hatefest? What are they advocating? What are they offering by way of solving the conflict?
What are they hoping to gain from their "Palestine awareness Week"?
Like Hodja, Palestinians claim they are innocent of any agency in bringing about their own grim situation. But historical records disagree with them, as well as this kind of reality.
Second Update (24 March 2008) : Anti racist blog has been silenced. See here.
Third Update: Save Sa'ad's life!
Sa'ad, 25, is a Palestinian policeman who was sentenced to death by a Palestinian Authority court in Hebron last week. His crime: alerting Israeli authorities to the whereabouts of four Palestinian terrorists, who were subsequently killed by Israeli forces.
In assisting Israeli counterterrorism, Sa'ad may have saved scores of innocent lives. For doing so, he was charged with "collaboration," and will face a firing squad unless international pressure forces Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, to commute his sentence.
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