Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Name: Imad Mughniyeh

Personal details:
Born in the Lebanese city of Tyre in 1962, to Palestinian parents

Work Experience:

1976 - joined Force 17 as a sniper targeting Christians on the Green Line dividing West and East Beirut.

1982- entrusted by Arafat with transferring the organization's weapons to Lebanese militias allied with the Palestinians, joined the Shi'ite Amal militia headed by Nabih Berri. He and Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, who was then a member of Amal, later left the movement to form Hizbullah.

1983 - bombing of the US Embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut which killed over 350

1985 - was one of the terrorists who took hostage a TWA flight on its way from Athens to Rome. The plane was forced to land in Beirut and afterwards flew to Algeria and then returned to Beirut. He was later indicted in the US for the murder of one of the hostages on board, a US Navy diver.

1992 - attack on the Israeli embassy in t Buenos Aires killed 29

1994 - bombing of the Israelite Mutual Association building in Buenos Aires which killed 85 people

2001 - played a role in the Karine A weapons ship that Arafat tried to use to smuggle arms into the Gaza as well as the kidnapping of three IDF soldiers in October 2000 by Hizbullah

2006 - abduction of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser in the summer of 2006.

Career Highlights:

strong ties with Al Qaida , met with Bin Laden in Sudan in 1993.

As Hizbullah's liaison to Al Qaida, he was involved in providing explosives training for Al-Qaida fighters.

May have been involved in the 9/11 attacks

January 2006 - traveled with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Damascus for a meeting with Nasrallah, Hamas leader Khaled Mashal and Islamic Jihad chief Ramadan Salah.

PLO, Al-Qaeda, Hizzbulla

Sepecial commendations:

Fatah officials: was very close to former Palestinian Authority leader Yasser Arafat when the PLO was based in Beirut. ".. tha'lab [the fox]… is considered the second important figure in Hizbullah after Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. We're very proud to have had a Palestinian holding such a high position in Hizbullah,"

Former Mossad chief and Labor MK Danny Yatom: Mughniyeh was one of the most dangerous and cruel terrorists "


At 12:40 PM EST, Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

Yep. Rarely does a Mitsubishi SUV go wrong with a nicer person inside...



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