Monday, April 14, 2008


singing here

sending a sweet message to Israel

And by way of contrast:

Carter Hamasized

Given Carter's record in conducting such conversations with Hamas - and with a long list of dictators over the past three decades, including Kim Il Sung, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Slobodan Milosevic and many, many more - it is fairly safe to expect little good to emerge from that discussion. would be more useful here to instead examine Carter's historical role in another part of the world - one now in exactly the kind of political crisis with which the former president specializes in involving himself, yet oddly enough seems little inclined to do this time.

Perhaps this is because Carter believes the less said about his involvement with Zimbabwe, the better. It was the Carter administration that pressed Zimbabwe to include Robert Mugabe in the 1980 elections that brought the guerrilla leader to power, despite the fact that he - like the leadership of Hamas - had also not renounced violence or pledged to respect democratic norms.

Shortly afterward, Carter welcomed Mugabe to Washington. ...Mugabe... thanked Carter for supporting the establishment of Zimbabwe and even endorsed the president for reelection...

Let's look at the latest message of peace coming from Hamas.

Never mind Hamas. Let's see the latest message of peace coming from a PA representative:

The important thing is that in any operation, Israel will pay a price. We don't want cases in which you don't kill even a chicken, but Israel kills 20 of you. I salute any operation that makes Israel pay a heavy price...

...The P.L.O.... has not changed its platform even one iota... the P.L.O. proceeds through phases, without changing its strategy. Let me tell you, when the ideology of Israel collapses, and we take, at least, Jerusalem, the Israeli ideology will collapse in its entirety, and we will begin to progress with our own ideology, Allah willing, and drive them out of all of Palestine.

Now the Rev. Wright is retired, maybe Carter can offer him a job, gallivanting all over the globe, anointing the hands of dictators and such. Something tells me these two have a lot in common.


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