Monday, May 12, 2008

"...the era of exaggerated Jewish intellectualism is now at an end."

Stan Persky reports about a visit and a unique memorial to commemorate an event that took place 75 years ago, this past weekend:

"...there's an even more effective, permanent reminder of the burning right in the middle of Bebel Platz. It's a memorial sculptural installation by Israeli artist Mischa Ullman, but it's only really noticeable at night. It consists of a small square of glass set in the rough cobblestone surface of the plaza. At night, it emits a shaft of light from underground. When you edge up to it and look down, there's a white room, and all four walls, from floor to ceiling, are bookshelves. Empty bookshelves. A nearby ground-level plaque quotes Heine's line about "where they burn books..." and records that this is the site of the book burning in 1933. "

(H/T: Terry Glavin, here)

Is this information relevant to Goebbels' prophecy??
Israeli book statistics:

During 2006, 8,680 new Israeli titles were registered by the Legal Deposit Department...

Most of the books are in Hebrew: 5,900 titles.

The next common languages are English: 528 titles,

and Russian: 196 titles.

This year 133 new Arabic titles were recorded, constituting a 33% increase compared to the previous year. The rise in the number of Arabic books deposited is due to strengthening ties between the National Library and Arabic language publishers.
38 French titles were published in Israel last year,

26 in Spanish

and 16 in Romanian.
13 publications in various Jewish languages were received..

A few books were published in other languages, such as German, Dutch, Polish and Italian.''

Partial lists, world:

Jewish American authors
Jewish American poets
Jews in literature and journalism


Consider Jewish scholars in this light: All of them have a high regard for logic, that is for compelling agreement by force of reason; they know, with that they are bound to win even where they encounter race and class prejudices and when one does not like to believe them. For nothing is more democratic than logic; it is no respecter of persons and makes no distinction between crooked and straight noses

(Nietzsche, The Gay Science, 348)


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