The real news, or: what your media won't tell you
Here is a collection from Iran's Press TV:
'US, Israel fomented Lebanon crisis'
The White House had given the green light to Israel to attack Lebanon's Hezbollah on May 11th, Israeli intelligence sources have revealed.
Quran used for target practice by US :
Money quote:
The discovery of the defaced Quran has thrown the spotlight on the Bush administration, exposing their flagrant disregard for Islamic values.
The Walls of Auschwitz
Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD: massacre of Jewish people by gassing during World War II was scientifically impossible.
'Hezbollah foiled US-planned coup'
Iranian students: Shut UK embassy
"The US must reveal documents which prove the connection Washington and international Zionism had with the Nazis, as well as the detailed report of the meeting between Zionist and Nazi leaders on the establishment of the Zionist regime, a student told the gathering."
(At least they did not storm the embassy and take its personnel hostage)
But not all is dark and paranoid in the Iranian press:
Women's rights in ancient Persia
Zoroastrian texts such as the Avesta clearly define the status of Persian women and reveal that at a time when many women in the world were deprived of their basic rights, Persian women enjoyed social and legal freedom and were treated with great respect...
An Iranian friend once said to me, wistfully, that had Persians continued to follow the Zoroastrian religion they would have been much better off today.
It would seem from a comment someone dropped off, that the ironical title was being read as is. Please be alerted, the ironically challenged among my valued readers: I meant it ironically, that is, meant to mock the motives and virtues of this particular Iranian News agency, its choice of subjects, the causes they espouse, and their weird interpretation of history !
The Contentious Centrist
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
Centrist? Looks like Neo-Fascist Holocaust Denial, The Walls of Auschwitz
Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD: massacre of Jewish people by gassing during World War II was scientifically impossible. From that Iranian TV station. Yee-Haw!
You don't say...
You really should be careful Noga: the headlines like "The real news, or: what your media won't tell you", together with stuff like "Truth will out", "Independent voices for ...[substitute any crap here]" etc etc, are usually dead giveaways for lunatics, conspiracy theorists and their ilk.
So the knee jerk reaction of that anonymous is understandable.
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