Thursday, June 19, 2008

The racist runaway train to Durban II

chugs on, full speed ahead:

Fifteen years ago, guided by the same vision of human rights and equality, he founded United Nations Watch, which remains outspoken in protecting victims of racism and intolerance around the world.

Mr. President, it is with this legacy and with these principles that we approach the Durban Review Conference, now set for next April in Geneva.

UN Watch recently hosted an international symposium to assess this process. We are grateful to the many high United Nations officials and diplomats who met with our delegates from around the world.

We resolved that Durban Review must reject the unacceptable elements that marred the 2001 conference. It cannot once again be turned into a paradox — into a platform for racist hatred and anti-Semitism -- nor misuse human rights terminology in regard to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

We are encouraged to see many strong commitments in this regard, including from France, the U.K. and the Netherlands.At the same time, there are worrying signs.

Despite objective approval by the UN Secretariat, the Preparatory Committee of the Durban Review Conference refused to accredit a respected Canadian Jewish NGO.

Read Iran's sansctimonious, and false, rebuttal, here.

And additional information , here:

"Iran was demonstrably acting in bad faith and applying a double standard by making invasive, repetitive and onerous demands of CIJA, of the kind made of no other NGO. By their actions, Iran and its allies effectively rejected CIJA's application," said Neuer.

He added that Iran's actions may have been partly motivated by Canada's lead role in a UN General Assembly resolution that spoke out against human rights violations in Iran.

And here:

Iran's objections last month to accrediting the Canadian Council for Israel and Jewish Advocacy failed to cite any reason or grounds. Nevertheless, the first day of the Durban Review Conference's preparatory meeting was devoted to attacks by Iran-supported by Algeria, Egypt, the Palestinian observer and others-accusing the group of failing to respond to the objections it never saw. "The committee's entire treatment of this application was like something out of a Kafka novel," said Neuer. "It trampled any sense of natural justice and due process."

Speaking of Kafka, this is related:

The wacky anti-Israel polemicists John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt were visiting Israel the other day (such is the price of democracy) and in the course of a lecture at Hebrew University, Walt said he would not condemn Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for calling for Israel to be wiped off the map. "I don't think he is inciting to genocide," Walt said.

If only he would read the newspapers!

As a service to Walt and Mearsheimer, and to everyone else who is under the impression that Ahmadinejad is just having a little fun at the expense of the perfidious Zionist entity, I've pulled together a brief collection of some of Ahmadinejad's more colorful statements on Israel. You judge whether Walt is right or not: (Continued)


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