Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Strange stories from the English countryside

Stupid cow: I never, ever understood the popularity of Joan Rivers. She never makes me laugh, not even when she makes fun of her own plasticated face, stuffed with sillicon and overstretched, looking more and more like the mask of the red death. She is all affectation. So the latest story of her being dragged off a UK TV set in the middle of a live programme is not surprising. About time.

The rewards of wearing an Islamic veil:

It seems too lunatic to be true. But here a hair salon boss reveals how she was driven to the brink of ruin - and forced to pay £4,000 for 'hurt feelings' - after refusing to hire a Muslim stylist who wouldn't show her hair at work.

... Bushra Noah says that Sarah Desrosiers 'hurt her feelings' by not employing her after a ten minute interview.


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