Israel's Political scene: some random and useless thoughts
This account does not mince words:
The situation that Barak must explain to the public is not complicated at all; rather, it is simple in its cruelty. In the next two years Israel will face critical challenges. The Olmert government lacked the ability to confront them. It was inferior and parts of it were afflicted with corruption and shortsightedness. For that reason, it is absolutely imperative that the next government not be a continuation of the Olmert government. What is needed is a government of change. If Livni intends to form a government of change, she must be supported at all costs. If Livni intends to form a government of continuity, she must be fought with all our might. That is the entire Torah, short and sweet.
The Winograd Report pilloried Olmert's leadership for not pursuing the 2006 war in Lebanon with the single-minded determination, tenacity and resourcefulness that Israelis have come to expect from their military. Clearly, Olmert and Peretz had to go. Peretz could not be allowed to spend even one more day as Defence Minister. He would have been a joke if his responsibilities had not extended to safeguarding Israeli life. Olmert should have come to terms with his own mediocrity and vacillation, two traits that Israel simply cannot afford to have in its leaders. Moreover, he should also have been public-minded enough to understand that a corrupt politician could not hope to provide the leadership necessary for Israel's future.
I guess the question is now: Is Barak going to believe enough in Livni's vision to support her, or is he going to be sceptical about her abilities and run her efforts to the ground? If the second choice, we can expect new elections in Israel and probably Netanyahu coasting to premiership yet again.
I suspect, however, that Livni and Netanyahu are not that much different, considering who they are, where they come from. Barak is different but lacks credibility, after the failed Camp David II which ended in the bloody intifada.
The one thing Barak and Netanyahu share is their past experience, which they must have ingested and learned from in the intervening years they spent in the political ice-box. If they learned their lessons, either one could become a tolerable leader for Israel. At least, as far as we know now, they are not corrupt like Olmert. And certainly they are not mediocre.
The Contentious Centrist
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
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