Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai: a strictly Islamist analysis of a terrorist attack

H/T: your friend in the north:

The piece below is a snippet from an article on the website of the Muslim Brotherhood concerning the slaughter of scores of innocent civilians by Islamist death squads in Mumbai. It provides an intriguing analysis of the massacre:

"Our worst fears have come true. It is clear that Mossad is involved in the
whole affair. An entire city has been attacked by Mossad and probably units of
mercenaries. It is not possible for one single organization to plan and execute
such a sophisticated operation. It is clear that this operation was backed by
communal forces from within the Indian State. The Home Minister Shivraj Patil
should resign. The RSS-BJP-VHP-Bajrang Dal should be banned. Advani and others ought to be arrested. Today is a day of shame for all Indians and all Hindus.
Muslims and secular Hindus have been proven right. RSS type forces and Israel
are all involved in not only destabilizing but finishing India. India should
immediately snap all relations with Israel."

Or, in other words, Muslims are just too dumb and incompetent to carry out such a well-orchestrated, successful attack...


At 2:04 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Or, in other words, Muslims are just too dumb and incompetent to carry out such a well-orchestrated, successful attack..."

No the reason they blame it on Jews is the same as the reason antisemites deny the Holocaust:

To further inflict emotional pain on Jews.

Besides, by getting people to debate who did it they can claim that there is some unceratinty and hence the Muslims are not guilty and that Islam is still the religion of peace.

At 5:30 PM EST, Blogger Marcia Miner said...

Though people know better, they choose to ignore that the vast majority of people of all religions have many other identities that are far more significant than their religious identity. Neither Muslims, Jews nor Christians can be categorized as so singularly identified. However, that seems to be what a growing number of antagonists are doing when “Islamists”, a term I resist in favor of Muslim extremists or Islamofascisst commit violent acts.

Amaryti Sen notes that, “An Islamist instigator of violence against infidels may want Muslims to forget that they have any identity other than being Islamic. What is surprising is that those who would like to quell that violence promote, in effect, the same intellectual disorientation by seeing Muslims primarily as members of an Islamic world. The world is made much more incendiary by the advocacy and popularity of single-dimensional categorization of human beings, which combines haziness of vision with increased scope for the exploitation of that haze by the champions of violence.”

At 6:16 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, identity is multifaceted. I don't think the authors of this blog would argue with that.

I simply think it is important to listen to the terrorists in their own words and take them seriously when they say they are engaging in Jihad and aim to target Israelis, Jews and Americans. When they say they want to restore the Caliphate, an Islamic empire, they are not kidding. Just because they are crazy does not mean they will not act and react based on that craziness.

Moving to the content of this post, what is illustrative to me is radical Islamists will distance themselves from this attack (blaming it on Mossad, "the Jews," etc.) while at the same time saying these attacks occurred due to the oppression of Muslims in India.

The same thing happened on 9/11. Radical Islamists blamed the attacks on the Mossad while posters with OBL's visage with the burning towers in the background sold like hotcakes throughout the Middle East.

So which is it? Did "the Jews" do it or were these attacks conducted by Muslims with "legitimate grievances"?

At 6:31 PM EST, Blogger The Contentious Centrist said...

"...radical Islamists will distance themselves from this attack (blaming it on Mossad, "the Jews," etc.) while at the same time saying these attacks occurred due to the oppression of Muslims in India."

A classical case of Cognitive dissonance, writ large:


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