Saturday, January 10, 2009

Notes from an anti - pro-Israel Rally at Oslo

Video here (via: Islam in Europe)

"A pro-Israel demonstration of about 500 people turned ugly when several hundred young pro-Palestinian demonstrators began hurling rocks, bottles and fireworks toward police and Israeli supporters."

Reuters reports:

The violence started when about 1,000 pro-Palestinian supporters showed up at a rally sponsored by Norway’s largest opposition party in support of Israel. Television pictures showed they burnt Israeli flags and threw projectiles at police clad in body armour who separated the two groups.

“This has nothing to do with the situation in Gaza,” Johan Fredriksen, chief of staff of the Oslo police, told the website of the daily Aftenposten.

“These people came to the protest with knives, bats and Molotov cocktails,” he said, speaking about the pro-Palestinian side. (Via: Z-word blog)



In Iran


At 9:32 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Young activist, you probably believe a "massacre" took place in Jenin.


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