
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is there anybody out there?‎

The following message was left on my blog by Selma, the translator and poet blogger from Tehran:

"It's 3 am in Tehran. I'm sitting in the dark, waiting for a miracle to happen. ‎
Two of my friends who were at the protests today are missing. No sign of them, their cell ‎phones are off, no one knows where they are. We know a large number of people were ‎arrested today, but there is no list of detainees, no place to refer to, we don’t know who is ‎arresting them and where they are taken.‎
Tonight of all nights, I feel that “loneliness” with my flesh and blood.‎
I don’t dare write this in my own weblog. Just visited your blog to read your recent posts ‎and couldn’t help writing this comment here.‎
Yes, we have fought this lonely fight for a long time…‎
But is the world hearing our voice? Is there anybody out there?‎

From Tehran with Love - Selma"


bob said...

I often wonder if I would have the sort of courage that Selma and her comrades have had to have. I hope so, but it has been humbling to see their bravery.

Selma says:
That the world loses interest and this new shiny strange toy loses its novelty and ‎glamour… then… like what happened to many other struggles for freedom in other places ‎of the world, people would no longer even bother to follow the news, let alone supporting ‎the cause…‎
Certainly the Western media likes shiny new toys, and news stories become old toys quickly these days. Iran is slipping down the news agenda already. Shameful.

EscapeVelocity said...

Unfortunately, the Western Left doesnt value liberty as much as it does other vales like radical egalitarianism and statist big government.

EscapeVelocity said...

PS - Long live the second amendment. Lest you through your freedom away so lightly.

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