The Contentious Centrist
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
I thought you would like this photo of the [alleged] Jewish mayor defending Islam in front of a display of Italian hams.
There is no comment from Mario Batali and Lidia and Joe Bastianich (perhaps they had already gotten the memo from Libya's Qaddafi calling for all Italians to convert to Islam???)
on how they felt having the grand opening of their Eataly NY become the forum dujour on the subject of reporter's questions on the latest on the Ground Zero Mosque (CB1 chair Menin's recommendation for interfaith space, Imam Rauf as NJ slumlord revelations, and El-Gamal as NYC real estate tax deadbeat.)
Give Mayor Mike another week, and he will be seeking asylum in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, the only place he will still be welcome in NYC :)
Thanks for your previous post on the history lesson on the Jews of Lebanon and Syria. I did not see Fareed's Hezbollah spiel because I can no longer watch Fareed on television, although I did make an exception to listen to Robert D. Kaplan discuss China, then turned it off.
[conclusion] "...The Zionist lobby and wealthy Jewish community’s domination of the country’s print and electronic media is another major obstacle, as it is focused on the activities of the project’s opponents, giving lesser publicity to the voice of supporters.
They want to frighten Americans about Islam and Muslims and spread hatred against them, creating a feeling that Muslims have besieged them in their strongholds in order to plan another attack.
One can see here the glaring absence of a strong Arab and Islamic influence in the US, as our countries have failed to go deep into the hearts of Americans and establish strong relations with the forces of goodness and moderation that support Arab and Muslim issues. It is a drastic and historic failure for which the Ummah is paying a big price."
September 1 2010 Wall Street Journal :
"...We've now come across two letters to the New York Times that reveal more about the imam's worldview.
In a letter published on November 27, 1977, Mr. Rauf commented on Egyptian President Anwar Sadat's historic trip to Israel and encouraged his fellow Muslims to "give peace a chance." That John Lennon lyric sounds good. But he added: "For my fellow Arabs I have the following special message: Learn from the example of the Prophet Mohammed, your greatest historical personality. After a state of war with the Meccan unbelievers that lasted for many years, he acceded, in the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, to demands that his closest companions considered utterly humiliating. Yet peace turned out to be a most effective weapon against the unbelievers."
He's referring to a treaty in the year 628 that established a 10-year truce between the Prophet Muhammad and Meccan leaders and was viewed by Muslims at the time as a defeat. But Muhammad used that period to consolidate his ranks and re-arm, eventually leading to his conquest of Mecca. Imam Rauf seems to be saying that Muslims should understand Sadat's olive branch in the same way, as a short-term respite leading to ultimate conquest.
To drive that point home, he added in the same letter that "In a true peace it is impossible that a purely Jewish state of Palestine can endure. . . . In a true peace, Israel will, in our lifetimes, become one more Arab country, with a Jewish minority."
Imam Rauf has said more moderate things, notably at a memorial service for our former colleague Daniel Pearl. But his calls for interfaith understanding are hard to square with his support for a strategy of "peace" in the service of Israel's long-term destruction.
We asked Imam Rauf if his views had changed since the 1970s. His complete response: "It is amusing that journalists are combing through letters-to-the-editor that I wrote more than 30 years ago, when I was a young man, for clues to my evolution. As I re-read those letters now, I see that they express the same concerns—a desire for peaceful solutions in Israel, and for a humane understanding of Iran—that I have maintained, and worked hard on, in the years since those letters were published."
"Letters From the Imam"
The Media Loses Readers and Viewers to its Own Radicalism
Amanpour is out of place, completely clueless about US politics, insists on internationalizing domestic issues
The left is furiously blasting Washington Post TV Critic Tom Shales for stating what was obvious to everyone, that Amanpour is out of place, completely clueless about US politics and insists on internationalizing domestic issues. But shooting the messenger won’t save Amanpour. Her hiring is only the latest manifestation of a media that is too radicalized to save itself. Bringing in a personality from the sinking ship that is CNN was obviously a bad idea on commercial grounds alone. Amanpour left CNN, for the same reason that Campbell Brown did. And ABC News taking Amanpour in, demonstrates that they share CNN’s bad judgment.
Unlike ABC producers, Americans are not interested in an “outsider’s perspective” on American politics. They can get that from the White House. Threatening to stab Tom Shales with a knife won’t change that either. Amanpour’s promise to “open a window on the world” for what she imagines are parochial American viewers is condescending even to those who agree with her. It’s grating to those who don’t. Because Amanpour’s window is the parochial European left-wing window from which you can see Brussels, but not Iowa, a stifling world that is upper class in its arrogance, and low class in its empathy for terrorists. ABC News producers may be determined to bring that tiny dollhouse of a world to Americans, but who exactly is supposed to underwrite this project? The BBC and its outrageous salaries are funded by taxpayers. ABC has to pay its own way.
Putting politics over profitability, the media left alienated viewers and readers
And that is why the media is doomed. By putting politics over profitability, the media left alienated viewers and readers exactly during the critical transition period when it needed them most. And the worse its fortunes grow, the more radical its politics have become.
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