Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Enigma of Arab Solidarity

Through the unrelenting efforts of the American academic insider in the Arab Street, Prof. Asad Abukhalil, I get to hear that "tens of thousands of people held a mass rally in Rabat" Morocco.

What were they protesting on the last week of March 2012? Perhaps the continued mass-massacring of Syrian Muslims by Syria's regime?

Not bloody likely.

We were holding talks at the parliament building in Rabat while thousands outside were protesting the presence of an Israeli representative," Saranga told Ynet." And ... "from the second-floor windows I saw swastikas and people burning Israeli flags," he said. "

What was Saranga doing in Morocco? Was he on Mossad business?

"It’s a shame that instead of receiving positive feedback, our projects, which promote peace and understanding, draw anti-dialogue demonstrations."

Shame? Apparently it is only a shame in the eyes of those who actually are interested in promoting peace and understanding and those will not be found in the Arab street. From the perspective of our representative in the Arab street, this is a good reason to rejoice: "
Ha ha ha: an Israeli chased out of Morocco" .

Who is this representative of the spirit of the Arab Street?

He is none other than Professor AbuKhalil who teaches political science at California State University, Stanislaus and visiting professor at UC, Berkeley. He is a citizen of the US and one of the first principles he is entrusted by the university and American educational authorities to teach his students is the meaning and practice of critical thinking, justice, peace, democracy, law and order.o Israelis find all this detestation for them in the Arab world overwhelming?"

Not at all. With the professor as an an exemplar of the thinking and irresistible impulses that manifest themselves in t


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