
Sunday, April 21, 2013

 Of Mad Dogs and Wolves

"Israeli schemes". This is the title to a post by our  pathologically enraged friend from the State University of California. To make his point, he provides two quotes from an article. He does not quite point out that between one quote and another, there is a gap of text, deliberately left unquoted. That is, he left out the chunk of text that would not quite fit in with his characterization of the ideas propounded in the text:

The first quote is: " "Meanwhile, back in Israel, people are talking about another missed opportunity. The presidential elections in Iran this June could have been an ideal chance to try to destabilize the regime." 

 The second quote is:"One could design and broadcast and air Internet campaigns. News such as this has the potential to stir the hearts of the desperate masses in Tehran, Shiraz, and the other cities and villages of Iran. It can offer them hope. It can let them know that there is chance for something better, that there is life after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and that life after Ahmadinejad can even be quite good.".

Here is what's strategically left out:

Had the Iranian masses, so eager to rid themselves of the dictates of the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij, seen clear incentives from the West and evidence that they would get support and aid, if and when they replace the government, the Islamic dictatorship could have been destabilized and toppled. But this requires an initial investment. All the global corporations should be brought together and asked to make an explicit commitment as to how much money they will invest in Iran once the ayatollahs are finally deposed.

 What is the meaning of to scheme?

Make plans, esp. in a devious way or with intent to do something illegal or wrong.

That is to say,  Israel is plotting something  bad, something nasty and illegal. 

And then we read the actual content of the post, and it turns out that the "scheme" involves a thinking about how Iranians could be persuaded to get rid of their tyrannical and irrational rulers, and thus bring about for themselves a more humane, democratic existence and prosperity. Is there any doubt that such a denouement will be good for the Iranians, good for the Arabs, good for Israel and good for the world? Only if you are a religious nut bent on wreaking havoc on the Middle East, would you find anything wrong with such a hope. Moreover, how is this "scheme" to be implemented? Not by war. Not by covert operations, but by openly published persuasion.

Here is the entire excerpt as it should be read:

Meanwhile, back in Israel, people are talking about another missed opportunity. The presidential elections in Iran this June could have been an ideal chance to try to destabilize the regime. Had the Iranian masses, so eager to rid themselves of the dictates of the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij, seen clear incentives from the West and evidence that they would get support and aid, if and when they replace the government, the Islamic dictatorship could have been destabilized and toppled.

But this requires an initial investment. All the global corporations should be brought together and asked to make an explicit commitment as to how much money they will invest in Iran once the ayatollahs are finally deposed. One could design and broadcast and air Internet campaigns. News such as this has the potential to stir the hearts of the desperate masses in Tehran, Shiraz, and the other cities and villages of Iran. It can offer them hope. It can let them know that there is chance for something better, that there is life after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and that life after Ahmadinejad can even be quite good.

The problem is that the US and Europe are both convinced that at there is no “revolutionary momentum” in Iran at present. In other words, the government is too stable. In Jerusalem, they claim that it will continue to be stable for a very long time.


I ask you: With this kind of tactics, designed to mislead and disinterpret, in order to paint Israel as a villainous insidious schemer, can you ever trust anything at all this (bona fide) professor who teaches young students at a university of good standing, says, writes or teaches? He keeps crying Wolf and as we rush over to look what's happening, what do we encounter but a few sheep peacefully grazing and perhaps a mad dog or two, barking furiously at some shadow their fancy wished were a wolf?


Anonymous said...

YOU ARE A SHIT. You understand me, a fucking piece of SHIT!!!! I hate your fucking jewish fat guts. Just some cheap jewish type kvetch that ought to be beaten to death by Hamas. Go to hell.

The Contentious Centrist said...

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The Contentious Centrist said...

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The Contentious Centrist said...

And again:

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The Contentious Centrist said...

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The Contentious Centrist said...

Can't keep away:

T-mobile Croatia ( [Label IP Address] 0 returning visits
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7 May 07:04:00
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