Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Anger makes you stupid ... and illiterate ...

"An own goal occurs in goal-scoring games when a player scores a goal that is registered against his or her own team...It is considered
one of the most embarrassing and humorous   blunders in sports" (wiki)

Prof. AbuKhalil sneers:

Does Anne Barnard think that Al-Manar TV is a person?

I am not kidding but does Anne Barnard think that Al-Manar TV, the official news station of Hizbullah, is a person?  "Al Manar, a broadcaster aligned with Hezbollah". (Red emphasis added by CC)

According to wiki:

  • A broadcasting organization, one responsible for the production of radio and television programs and/or their transmission."
From another source:


1.a person or thing that broadcasts
2.a person or organization, as a network or station, that broadcasts radio or television programs.


At 9:20 AM EST, Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

Well, he is not a professor of English, although he wants to be a professor of everything...

At 7:10 PM EST, Blogger The Contentious Centrist said...

All the more reason for him to doubt his own linguistic skills before jumping two feet first into the plate. Goes to show what a silly and incompetent academic he is. One wonders what makes universities hire such a low-quality professor.

At 1:16 PM EST, Blogger SnoopyTheGoon said...

Perfesser AbuKhalil don't know no steenkin doubts.


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