
Friday, November 15, 2013

The Fanatic Sceptic 

Prof. AbuKhaliil bristles in indignation at something he read on WaPo:

"During the war, Palestinian militant factions in Gaza fired almost 1,500 rockets at Israel, although 143 landed inside Gaza and 421 were reported intercepted by Iron Dome, according to the United Nations."  According to the United Nations?  The United Nations does not count how many missiles were "intercepted" by the Iron Dome.  Those are pure Israeli military fabrications.  The Israeli military propagandist cited the UN to bolster his lies, and the Washington Post dutifully wrote it down."
Please note how he articulates his mockery: " The Israeli military propagandist cited the UN to bolster his lies, and the Washington Post dutifully wrote it down."

Let's re-cap:  The Washington Post got its information from some Israeli military propagandist "who cited the UN to bolster his lies".

AbuKhalil tells us with his usual braggadocio that "The United Nations does not count how many missiles were "intercepted" by the Iron Dome."


 Tel Aviv , 21 November 2012 - Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council [as delivered]

"Attacks on both sides continued today as the ceasefire approached.  The bomb today in Tel Aviv injured 23 people, three severely.  The indiscriminate firing of rockets targeting Israel also continued, and one long range rocket landed on the outskirts of Jerusalem yesterday, with no injuries reported.  Since 14 November, rocket fire has resulted in death of 4 Israeli civilians, and 219 are reported injured, most of whom are civilians.

Three are in serious condition.  One Israeli soldier was killed yesterday, and 16 Israeli soldiers have been wounded, one critically.  Overall, in that same time period, more than 1,456 rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel.  142 have fallen inside Gaza itself.  Approximately 409 were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system.  Ten Fajr-5 missiles have been shot at Tel Aviv suburbs and the sea, 5 of which were intercepted by the Iron Dome system.  Three long-range missiles have hit the outskirts of Jerusalem, which is unprecedented."

There seems to be some discrepancy between the number of rockets cited by WaPo (421) and the approximate number reported by Ban Ki-moon (409). But I suspect the difference between 421 and 409 was not the reason why the eternally pissed professor was mocking the WaPo.

As we know, he is always trying to play down the success of Iron Dome.

Why is he so invested in denying even the partial success of Iron Dome? Off the top of my head, I'm wondering whether he is worried that if Iron Dome can indeed intercept the Gazan rockets it might discourage the Hamas "operatives" from continuing to lobe them at Israel's civilian population. And we wouldn't want that to happen, would we?

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