From an interview with Andrew Bostom:
[Q] Which are the most important antisemitic motifs in the foundational texts, as you see it?
[A] I think 5:82 is an important motif but it is hardly the most
important. The central anti-Jewish motif in the Koran is found in verse 2:61,
repeated at verse 3:112. This is where the Jews are accused of slaying
the Prophets and transgressing against the will of Allah, and so they
are condemned and cursed eternally. Verse 2.61 says ‘shame and misery’
are ‘stamped upon them.’ And this verse is coupled to verses like 5:60,
and other verses about the Jews being transformed into apes and pigs,
which is part of their curse. Verse 5:78 describes the curse upon the
Jews by David and Jesus, Mary’s son. There is a related verse, 5:64,
which accuses the Jews of being spreaders of war and corruption, a sort
of ancient antecedent of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
(Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas cited this verse during a
diatribe against the Jews of Israel, in 2007.) More generally, the
Koran’s overall discussion of the Jews is marked by a litany of their
sins and punishments, as if part of a divine indictment, conviction, and
punishment process.
[Q] Some would say the seventh century is a long time ago.
[A] These central motifs are still being taught. That’s the point
The Contentious Centrist
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
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