
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Broken Wills

From Selma in Tehran:

Rumors, you’ve rejected with hope…‎

What will you do with them, when they become news?‎

‎“Confirmed” becomes an axe…hitting you on the back…resting on your shoulders…‎

And when you breathe ‎If you breathe

Life burns a whole into you

Mourn, mourn, mourn

Hear their shrieks in your sleep…See their faces covered in blood …‎

When you look into the mirror…It’s batons and fragile bones

Walk around like wandering ghosts…worn away by memories that once, where reasons ‎to live

Hear your self cry, from far far away… hear yourself beg ‎‎

“Please! He is not strong enough…”

‎Sleeping on concrete floors, dark cells jammed with bodies, swollen, aching, bleeding…‎

Broken bones, broken jaws, broken hearts…broken wills.‎

‎ Hear your self cry, from far far away…

‎Where are my friends?‎


Update (Comment left by Selma):

Sitting here in Tehran, I feel even more useless. ‎
My boyfriend and five other friends were arrested 5 days ago, midnight, at their homes. ‎For 5 days we didn’t know if they were really arrested or were they hiding. The news is ‎confirmed now. They were arrested. ‎
The mere thought of them being tortured is crushing. I can’t sleep. I can’t think.‎
And there is nothing I can do. I don’t even know where they are. ‎
Every night I sit in the dark wondering whether I’m next. ‎
Wondering where he is sleeping tonight… Is he hurt? Is he getting anything to eat? Are ‎they going to keep him for days? Months? Years?‎
What will happen to them?‎
I’ve heard of some families who were called in to collect the bodies of their loved ones. ‎
I live here, and yet there is nothing I can do.‎
Walking the streets of Tehran for five hours…As if in a coma… looking around, i ‎wondered why the shops were open, why people were going about their daily business, ‎why nobody did anything to help my friends … but then, there is nothing we can do … ‎
I shouldn’t mention his name anywhere, because they’d put him under more pressure if ‎they assume that he is supported by people outside Iran. ‎
It’s crazy!‎

Update 2: Wednesday, July 1:

For anyone who imagines the fears expressed by Selma are exaggerated, read these latest reports:

Iranian authorities hanged six people in Tehran on Wednesday, state media reported.

All six were hanged in the morning, according to Esmatollah Jaberi, a judiciary official. The state-run news agency ISNA, which did not identify the six, said they were hanged in Tehran's Evin Prison. All six were accused of murder.

Iranian authorities routinely execute dissidents on bogus charges such as armed robbery and drug trafficking....


As the Iranian authorities warned the opposition on Tuesday that they would tolerate no further protests over the disputed June 12 presidential elections, a report emerged of the hangings of six supporters of defeated candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi.

Speaking after Iran's top legislative body upheld the election victory of incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sources in Iran told this reporter in a telephone interview that the hangings took place in the holy city of Mashhad on Monday. There was no independent confirmation of the report.

Underlining the climate of fear among direct and even indirect supporters of Mousavi's campaign for the election to be annulled, the sources also reported that a prominent cleric gave a speech to opposition protesters in Teheran earlier this week in which he publicly acknowledged that the very act of speaking at the gathering would likely cost him his life.


bob said...

I feel so useless sitting here in sunny London...

EscapeVelocity said...

Dont worry Bob, the Obama administration is executing a well thought out plan.

Selma said...

Sitting here in Tehran, I feel even more useless. ‎
My boyfriend and five other friends were arrested 5 days ago, midnight, at their homes. ‎For 5 days we didn’t know if they were really arrested or were they hiding. The news is ‎confirmed now. They were arrested. ‎
The mere thought of them being tortured is crushing. I can’t sleep. I can’t think.‎
And there is nothing I can do. I don’t even know where they are. ‎
Every night I sit in the dark wondering whether I’m next. ‎
Wondering where he is sleeping tonight… Is he hurt? Is he getting anything to eat? Are ‎they going to keep him for days? Months? Years?‎
What will happen to them?‎
I’ve heard of some families who were called in to collect the bodies of their loved ones. ‎
I live here, and yet there is nothing I can do.‎
Walking the streets of Tehran for five hours…As if in a coma… looking around, i ‎wondered why the shops were open, why people were going about their daily business, ‎why nobody did anything to help my friends … but then, there is nothing we can do … ‎
I shouldn’t mention his name anywhere, because they’d put him under more pressure if ‎they assume that he is supported by people outside Iran. ‎
It’s crazy!‎

andazazen said...

this is so sad...we are thinking of you guys every minute, i know it doesn't help much but be assured you will never be forgotten!

TNC said...

Take care, Selma.

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