Never attribute to ignorance what can more easily
be explained as malevolence
Comments follow up:
On Chicago Dyke March Official Statement on 2017 March and Solidarity with Palestine
I left the following comment (27 June 2017 ~ 6:40 pm). Awaiting moderation.
"That may be what the flag means to you, but other people find it offensive.”
In the Middle Ages, Easter times were hazardous for Jews in Christendom. The Christians for whom Easter was a time of mourning for Jesus’ death thought that the Jewish Passover which is more or less at the same time as Easter, was a celebration of the death of Jesus. One may wonder where they got that idea? Their priests encouraged them to interpret Jewish preparations for Passover in this light. With the result that Easter time was often a good time to stage pogroms, expulsions and other such Jewish delights.
When Jews tried to explain that there was nothing true in this perception, they were told:
That may be what the holiday means to you, but other people find it offensive.”
What’s the difference between Far-Right antisemitism and Far-Left antisemitism?
Far-Right antisemitism is hatred and fear of Jews qua Jews, all Jews.
Far-Left antisemitism is hatred of what they call Zionists, those 98% of world Jews who either live in Israel or support Israel, or have no problem with the idea and existence of a Jewish state.
What makes it possible for Far Left Antisemitism to claim they are not antisemitic is the (possibly) 2%* of Jews who don’t support the Jewish state.
If there are 13M Jews in the world, Far Right antisemites hate all 13M of them.
Far Left antisemites hate “only” 12,740,000 of them.
So what is the difference between Far-Right antisemitism and Far-Left antisemitism?
Far Left antisemites believe they have a really good reason to hate most of the Jews, unlike Far Right antisemites who are much less bothered to look for good reasons to hate Jews.
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