Contentious Centrist Comment Policy
When you leave a comment please make sure you do it in the correct post. Otherwise, the blogmaster (that's me) may or may not respond, as befits her humour.
Some poster left a comment which made no sense where it was. I responded with a question mark. Said poster, who could not find her comment and is not intelligent enough to consider the possibility that she may have made a mistake, is boasting now that I deleted her comment, so prodigiously trenchant it was, or whatever.
I have a certain policy about comments. They are left where they are as they are, even when they are bellicose or vituperative, as a monument to the stupidity and bigotry of their authors. The only time I delete a comment is when it contains, or may lead to finding out, private information.
The Contentious Centrist
"Civilization is not self-supporting. It is artificial. If you are not prepared to concern yourself with the upholding of civilization -- you are done." (Ortega y Gasset)
The Blogmaster - that's a nice fear-inducing title. I can see the comic now. Maybe a relative of Marvel's Sabra.
Its hard to get your attention on the message board.
The message board is a dead place. I hardly ever go there anymore. I disabled the registration to it because it attracted many trolls.
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