About Palestinians Hearting Hitler and other kinds of Plagues
Ben Dror Yemini, in his weekly Column in the Israeli daily "Ma'ariv", tackles four burning issues:
The case of the legislation aimed at curbing contributions from foreign countries to fund politically hostile NGO's active in Israel. He says: If France were to transfer funds to finance the British version of "Breaking the silence" NGO , the French ambassador would be expelled from Britain that very same day.
The manipulation from the Human rights factory "Yesh Din": When into the human Rights discourse you insert such terms as "war crimes" the result is not a reinforcement for the rule of law, or necessary criticism ina Democratic ethos. The result is another contribution to the industry of lies and slanders and de-legitimization of Israel.
About Hillary Clinton's criticism of the Haredi camp in Israel that is marching towards an Iranian model: Ben Dror supports Clinton's worries and again warns against the "talibanization" of the religious sector in Israeli society which has always stood for "Torah and labour".
About the launching of the book Deception: Betraying the Peace Process, authored by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik.
I picked out only the segment on "Deception" for (unauthorized) translation:
"Prof. Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, the author of a number of controversial and thought-provoking books, resigned in 2003 from Harvard to focus on researching and writing about genocide. According to Goldhagen, his interest focussed on what, do mass killings have in common and in resulted in his 2009 book Worse Than War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity, about the global nature of genocide, and how to avert such crimes against humanity. In this book he examines the reasons and circumstances of 150 million killed or in fact slaughtered and exterminated, even when they were nor combatants or soldiers. According to Goldhagen, every mass massacre is preceded by systematic and mass brain washing, a long process of warranting genocide.
Israel averts its gaze, but right alongside us, practically within us, an on-going mass brain-washing campaign is taking place. Two researchers, Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik of “Palestinian Media Watch”, published recently a book “Deception”, in which they chronicle the systematic incitement to hatred against Israel and Jews under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority. Some of the evidence is already well-known, since the nineties when there was a joint Palestinian-Israeli committee for the prevention of incitement. The state of affairs, however, is going from bad to worse. Here is one example: The PA subsidizes a monthly youth magazine entitled “Zaizafoona” (name of a forest tree). Last summer that magazine carried a story written by a young girl about an imaginary encounter with four ideal historical personages: The first is the eighth century Persian mathematician Al-Khwaizmi (from whose name the terms "algorism" and "algorithm" are derived. The second admirable figure is the great Muslim conqueror Salahdin. The third is the Egyptian author and Nobel Laureate Naguib Mahfuz. From each encounter with the each figure, the young author learns something that contributes to forming her thinking and future endeavours. Then there is another historical figure in this roster of historical model figures: Hitler. And Hitler tells her: “I killed the Jews because I wanted everyone in the world to know that this is a destructive nation, that wreaks havoc and death upon the entire world”.
The story is well integrated into other stories in that magazine that ostensibly speaks for values taken from the Human Rights discourse, and combined with Islamic, Arab and Palestinian pride. Until they get to Jews. Then it is another matter. Jews are evil beasts worthy of extermination. And in that context, Hitler morphs into a laudable figure. There is no editorial qualification accompanying the story, that would clarify to the reader about who Hitler was, or what Nazism is, or what the Holocaust was.
“Deception” is packed with similar alarming examples, mostly recorded in the last few years, with a large part of them under the leadership of the most moderate duo, Mahmoud Abbass and Salem Fayad. But It is not only they who subsidize this periodical that encourages admiration for Hitler; funding was also provided by UNESCO.
This brainwashing is dangerous. Abbass and Fayad deserve some credit that at this stage -- and they always emphasize that only at this stage -- they control the organized violence. They were the main losers of that violence, anyway. But they are also helping in the process of justifying genocide. They assist in cultivating a new young generation full of virulent hatred in the style of the old anti-Semitism.
A large part of the financing of publications that feature hateful propaganda comes from the European Union, and individual European countries. In this matter no legislation can help stem the tide. In this matter what is urgently needed is very active diplomacy. The Foreign Ministry, for starters, can send out a synopsis of this book “Deception”, or even the book itself, to every organization, group, association, or foundation, and to each country in the West that are complicit in subsidizing this kind of dangerous brain washing. Fascism and anti-Semitism must be stopped. And certainly not financed. "
Or, as my cyber friend Terry Glavin would say: "¡No pasarán!
About the troubled (to put it mildly) relationship between UNESCO and Israel, I wrote here.